Those of you who have not been stalking me properly (you need to go through my bins more!) will not know that I'm to be employed very soon. Next week, in fact. And this requires me to move house. So I'll be doing that sometime quite soon. It also requires me to look 'smart-casual'. As a child I was once described by a well-meaning parishioner as 'a bit of a scruffpot'. Looking smart doesn't come especially naturally to me, so I'm going to go clothes-shopping to try and look acceptable:

I'm a bit nervous about all of this, as you might guess. Excited too, but it's all happened so fast, because it was only last Tuesday that I was beginning to give up on finding anything before Christmas. And then by Friday, I got employment! Strangely, I might end up living in Bicester again. I lived there between the ages of 2-8, so have quite vague memories of the town, and it would be quite weird going back. A bit like living on the same street in Oldenburg each time I've lived there. I'm sure it's all connected.